Windows server 2003 partition software

Server plays an indispensable role on the internet, and all network accesses should be dealt with by server. Once there is something wrong with server, the whole network may crash. Therefore, server partition management is a piece of quite important work. Simply speaking, server partition management is the process of using corresponding tool to operate disk partition, like create partition, delete partition, and resize partition. In Windows Server 2003, though there is a built-in disk management tool, users seldom use this tool to manage server partition. That is because functions provided by this tool are so limited, and operations are quite troublesome. Therefore, many Windows Server 2003 users are inclined to use third-party partition software to manage server partition. Nevertheless, different partition software on the software market has different quality, so how to download a piece of excellent Windows Server 2003 partition software becomes a big issue.
Windows Server 2003 partition software download
We have mentioned that there is much inferior partition software on the software market. If users manage server partition by using inferior partition software, partition damage may appear. If users want to download a piece of professional Windows Server 2003 partition software, we suggest visiting professional downloading website to download professional partition software.
How to operate professional Windows Server 2003 partition software?
If users hesitate to download Windows Server 2003 partition software since they do not know how to operate this kind of software, now, their worries can be removed. Even these users knowing nothing about disk management can use this Windows Server 2003 partition software very easily. That is because this software just requires several simple operations, and detailed prompts are given in every step. Next, we will take extending partition by using this Windows Server 2003 partition software for example. Firstly, launch the partition software to get its main interface:
Windows server 2003 partition software
Select the partition which needs extending and choose the function “Extend Partition” from action panel.
Windows server 2003 partition software1
In this interface, we can extend partition. First of all, select a partition or unallocated space to take free space which will be used to extend partition, and then drag the sliding button rightwards or leftwards to decide how much free space to take. Next, click “OK” button to go back to the main interface. At last, click “Apply” button to apply changes to computer. After application, professional Windows Server 2003 partition software helps extend partition successfully.

Server Partition Software Resources

Server Partition Software - Server

Server Partition Software - Partition

Server Partition Software - Backup
Server Partition Software - Clone

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